Our Story
Vision and Mission

At Onyx Creative Labs, we combine cutting-edge technology solutions with hands-on mentorship to help small businesses thrive and develop future tech talent. Our websites and web apps are built by developers in our apprenticeship program, ensuring that our clients receive high-quality digital products while our students gain invaluable real-world experience.

What We Offer

For our clients, this means access to top-tier websites and web apps at a fraction of the usual cost. Each project is meticulously reviewed by a mentor to ensure the highest quality results, benefiting both our clients and our students. Our students gain hands-on experience working with companies in the marketplace, making them well-prepared for future careers in technology.

Our Founder’s Journey

After nearly 15 years in the market as a web developer and marketer, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the best companies in the world. Through my efforts in optimizing websites and web apps for conversion and user experience, I’ve helped companies achieve growth of up to 3-4 times. However, I’ve always had a passion for working with small businesses and non-profits, offering them the same leading-edge expertise that industry giants use to scale their operations.

The Birth of Onyx Creative Labs

I founded Onyx Creative Labs with the belief that if advanced strategies and technologies can work for industry leaders, they can also empower the “little guys.” Our mission is to help small businesses grow and scale through services like the development of progressive web apps and A/B testing. By leveraging our expertise, we enable our clients to become big fish in a small pond.

Commitment to Excellence

At Onyx Creative Labs, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results for our clients while fostering the next generation of tech talent. Our apprenticeship program not only equips students with practical skills and experience but also ensures that our clients receive the best possible digital solutions. Together, we are building a future where small businesses can thrive and where new tech talent can flourish.