
Adopting the Scrum framework can help non-profit organizations enhance collaboration, increase transparency, and improve the delivery of projects. Central to Scrum are regular and structured meetings that foster communication and facilitate the agile process. Here's how a non-profit organization can set a productive meeting cadence.

Section 1: The Scrum Framework – An Overview

  • Scrum Basics: Sprints, Roles, and Artifacts
  • Adapting Scrum to Non-Profit Projects
  • The Importance of Regular and Effective Meetings

Section 2: Sprint Planning Meeting

  • Frequency: At the start of each sprint (typically every 2-4 weeks)
  • Participants: Scrum Team (including the Product Owner and Scrum Master)
  • Duration: Proportional to sprint length (e.g., 2 hours for a 2-week sprint)

Section 3: Daily Scrum

  • Frequency: Daily, at a consistent time
  • Participants: Scrum Team members
  • Focus: Quick check-in to synchronize activities and create a plan for the next 24 hours
  • Duration: 15 minutes, strictly time-boxed

Section 4: Sprint Review

  • Frequency: At the end of each sprint
  • Participants: Scrum Team, stakeholders, and optionally, donors or beneficiaries
  • Focus: Present completed work; gather feedback to adjust the backlog
  • Duration: Typically 1 hour for a 2-week sprint

Section 5: Sprint Retrospective

  • Frequency: After the Sprint Review and before the next Sprint Planning
  • Participants: Scrum Team
  • Focus: Reflect on the sprint; identify and plan improvements
  • Duration: Typically 45 minutes to 1 hour for a 2-week sprint

Section 6: Backlog Refinement (Grooming)

  • Frequency: Mid-sprint or as needed
  • Participants: Product Owner, Scrum Master, and relevant Scrum Team members
  • Focus: Review and refine the product backlog for future sprints
  • Duration: No more than 10% of the team's capacity during the sprint

Section 7: Additional Considerations for Non-Profits

  • Aligning Meeting Schedules with Volunteer Availability
  • Remote Meeting Best Practices for Distributed Teams
  • Minimizing Meeting Times While Maximizing Value